Corrupted by power or a cynic all along?

March 9, 2004


Twenty three years ago, somebody wrote this in the local magazine Bohemia:


If the current Government devoted the same amount of energy, the same concern, the same interest, the same effort, the same ingenuity it spends in picking fights, in looking for an altercation, in injuring others, in doing something useful, in working for the country, we would definitely have a great country. Of that there is no doubt…In any case, it is convenient to point out that as the crisis gets more acute and the official failure is larger, the official aggressivity is also increasing…The Government sinks and as it happens with those that fall in quick sand, the effort consists in paddling even more, which means they sink even more…Picking fight does not yield dividends. What citizens elect their Governments for is not to promote fights and waste their time in small time confrontations; they do it so that they work for everyone.



Yes, it was now Vice-President and chief cynic Jose Vicente Rangel. Corrupted by power or a cynic all along?

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