Too much going on tonight in Venezuela to blog without emotions (Mostly Pictures)

January 25, 2010

There are so many things going on in Venezuela tonight, that it is better to let pictures tell some of the stories as we await the detailed news.

In Caracas, this is the way people are watching the Caracas-Magallanes game of the finals of Venezuela’s baseball seaosn:

In Merida, a city of students, confrontations between police and students leads to the death of a student, a real tragedy no matter which side he is on. At this hour, the city is a battleground, students burn tires, more than 30 cars have burned and nothing will bring that young man to life now:

Meanwhile, far from all this mess, in Washington DC a “Chavez Tas Ponchao” sign was placed in front of the Venezuelan Embassy at 2409 California Ave.:

Oh yeah! I forgot, the Minister of Defense and Vice-President resigned today. So did the Minister of the Environment and the President of Banco de Venezuela who also had a position as “Something” for Public Banking. We now have Reyes Reyes as VP, a really radical General as Minister of Defense, and incompetent Jackie Farias, she of the water system (Don’t we have water shortages?) and a terrible job as Head of the Caracas Government, will now protect our Enviroment (from Chavez?)

Just another day in the failed robolution, more when I can digest all this. (Or when it can be digested)

18 Responses to “Too much going on tonight in Venezuela to blog without emotions (Mostly Pictures)”

  1. […] 15 year old student was killed yesterday in Merida. That is, a 15 year old that would not have been there -which side he was supporting being entirely […]

  2. Jose Domingo Medina Says:

    Miguel, necesito urgentemente comunicarme contigo. Ernesto me dio un telefono que suponia tuyo, pero no sirvio.
    Por favor envia correo electronico. Saludos a Kathy.

  3. Michel Says:

    I know that,m however, there’s a chain of command, a minister has at least one vice-minister so, if the minister resigns, should the next in line, the vice-minister, be the one appointed, even if temporarily? Why take someone with an already finger-assigned position?

  4. Gerry Says:


    From the Constitution.

    Article 148: No one shall be permitted to hold more than one paid public position, except in the case of academic, temporary, care-giving or teaching positions, as determined by law.
    Acceptance of a second position not included among the exceptions stated in this article shall imply resignation from the first, except in the case of substitutes, as long as they do not permanently replace the regular holder of the position concerned. No one shall be permitted to enjoy more than one set of pension or retirement benefits, except in the cases expressly determined by law.

    Does this answer your question?

  5. Eric Lavoie Says:

    Great LA Times read, on Hugo’s beiong a man of his word 🙂,0,3459716.story

  6. jsb Says:

    Miguel, you’ve been mentioned in the Reason blog:

  7. island canuck Says:

    … or are all the rats jumping off the sinking ship?

    The upper echelon of Chavismo now knows the truth of what we are in store for & are running as fast as they can.

    The predictions of Caracas Gringo about the imminent shut down of electricity & the lack of money & imagination of the leaders will lead to a total collapse of the country.

    These AHs want out before it happens. Watch how many leave the country.

  8. Juan Says:

    The shit hit the fan

    Between the lack of electricity, water and security and the abundance of inflation and corruption people just had enough of Chavez.

    Events are escalating and people are fighting like it is 11 de abril but with more purpose. Chavismo is counterattacking with more force and the country is in the brink of total anarchy.

    I frankly dont think that we are going to get to the elections as we are now, either Chavez is out of power by then or hundreds of opposition ‘leaders’ are killed or behind bars.

    The shit is already hitting the fan but loads move are coming and unlike Chavez, the fan doesn’t strike out.

  9. Venezolana Says:

    Perspective taken from Caracas Gringo:
    “Chavez wants the suspension of RCTV’s cable signal to trigger larger national protests. He wants to stoke a political conflict and create increasingly tense conditions that could benefit his Bolivarian regime by creating an excuse to postpone National Assembly elections now scheduled for September 2010 because he knows the revolutionary PSUV’s losses will be very substantial, leaving no option except to rig the outcome inside the Chavez-controlled CNE electoral authority.

    Alternatively, Chavez hopes to use his confrontation with RCTV to open cracks in the political opposition, which has a tragicomic history of disorganization, infighting, disunity, and placing individual ambitions above the common good. Chavez figures that the “oppo” is a herd of sad sacks that can be easily manipulated, undermined, intimidated and bribed.”

  10. Venezolana Says:

    Este fue el mensaje que yo recibi:
    ” El vicepresidente carrizales y su esposa (ministra) renunciaron por no aceptar la imposicion de chavez de colocar 4 militares cubanos como generales de las fuerzas armadas. El pais esta en peligro y debemos advertir a todo cuanto podamos. Llego el momento. Protestas en universidades de ccs / cota Mil congestionada / Disturbios en Aragua y Anzoategi / los naranjos / el cafetal. Convocan a Pza Brion / conatel esta prendido y estan arremetiendo brutalmente contra los estudiantes mientras protegen a la exconvicta de Lina Ron y sus malandros quienes estan apostados ahí. Circulen esta informacion: no hay medios transmitiendo mas que Globo!”

  11. Venezolana Says:

    Rafael Díaz Blanco Publicado en el Diario La Verdad de Maracaibo el 14 de enero de 2010

    Ha comenzado un nuevo año en medio de un clima de incertidumbre que se ha hecho crónico. Los venezolanos, experimentamos el socialismo chavista y nos preguntamos qué hacer para sobrevivir.

    Para nosotros, sólo hay una respuesta integral frente a la realidad nacional: Salir de Chávez ¡Cuánto antes mejor! Es necesario al unísono decir ¡Basta ya! Es importante y urgente comenzar a reconstruir la patria.

    Para salir de Chávez la oposición organizada debe estimular, promover y dirigir la protesta permanente. Sólo la protesta puede hacer posible alcanzar unas reglas de juego mínimas para que la mayoría pueda efectivamente manifestarse electoralmente. Sólo la protesta orientada a exigir el abandono del poder del caudillo hará posible la necesaria unidad.

    Participar en elecciones es insuficiente. Hacerlo incondicionalmente sólo contribuye a satisfacer vanidades personales, a cambiar espacios que están disponibles por otros que no existen, a fortalecer al régimen permitiéndole exhibir una mayoría y legitimidad democrática inexistente.

    La verdadera fuerza opositora es la que pueda demostrarse en la calle mediante la movilización permanente de un pueblo frente a los variados, constantes y cotidianos atropellos de un régimen dictatorial que avanza en la vigilancia y control de todo nuestro quehacer.

    La salida electoral sólo será posible en la medida que el pueblo en la calle pueda obligar al caudillo y específicamente a la Fuerza Armada Nacional a reconocer un eventual resultado electoral adverso al régimen.

    Sin embargo, en 2010 la protesta será inevitable y continuará con o sin apoyo de los partidos políticos, pudiendo derivar en anarquía. La revista norteamericana Newsweek en su cuarta predicción para el 2010 señala que a fines de año Chávez saldrá del poder producto de un golpe de estado perpetrado para poner fin al desorden derivado del caos.

    Si los partidos políticos limitan su acción a la participación electoral terminarán apartados del pueblo, colaborando con la sobrevivencia del régimen y permitiendo que la protesta generalizada pueda devenir en desorden permanente.

    La oposición democrática liderando la protesta, ejerciendo el liderazgo efectivo de la sociedad debe servir de contrapeso a la instauración formal y definitiva de un gobierno de la fuerza armada en el país, debe hacer posible la salida electoral del caudillo o su renuncia.

  12. An Interested Observer Says:

    Michel, I think you/Globo are right about the alignment of the two dead students. The second one was shot three times, which means likely at close range, and reportedly by Tupamarus, which would mark him (the dead student) as part of an opposition group. I don’t have details about the first one, but the reaction he got from Minister Aissami, so quickly assigning a prosecutor to the case. I wonder if he’ll be so quick with the second student. I doubt it. (first death) (second death)

  13. Roberto Says:

    Michel: The way things are going, anyone can play any position on the “Bate Quebrao All Star Travelling Nincompoops” team our glorious leader has crafted.

    As for Carrizales, and his wife Yubiri who has also resigned, that rumour about the Cubanization of the High Command is yet to be confirmed either way. It has been said that the middle commands are under the sway of foreign nationals, but just how high up their reach extends is yet TBD.

  14. Deanna Says:

    And if Farias did such a dismal job as Environment Minister the first time, what kind of a job will she do this time? Is Chavez running out of people to name as ministers, or are all the rats jumping off the sinking ship?

  15. Michel Says:

    I heard that, too, dillis. As for the dead student, it’s not 1, but 2, one chavista and one from the opposition; at least that’s what I heard in the news on Globo. Now, I have a question, I know they just wipe their butt with the whole legal frame, from the constitution to the neighbors’ community rules but, can Farías be the governor of the Capital District AND at the same time be a minister?

  16. dillis Says:

    The rumour going round is that Carrizales resigned as they have brought in four Cuban generals to head the Armed Forces, Air Force and National Guard.

  17. Floyd Looney Says:

    If that is what Chavez wants, bring it.

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