Electoral Board Says It Will Not Do A Complete Audit

April 27, 2013

As expected the partisan ladies of the Electoral Board announced tonight that there will be no complete audit of the 46% (which is not true either) of the votes, but a simple comparison of machines and votes. Capriles’ request for a complete audit centered on two things: The fingerprints and the notebooks, the CNE partisan ladies denied looking precisely at these aspects.

Funny that the notebooks are now discarded as evidence. The Venezuelan Supreme Court in this decision said clearly in 2012 that notebooks should not be destroyed because:

“cuadernos que representan la prueba fundamental de la legitimidad de los resultados obtenidos, además de ser el elemento más importante de cara a una revisión del proceso por parte de los candidatos”

“notebooks with represent the fundamental proof of the legitimacy of the results obtained, besides being the most important element in the face of a revision of the process on the part of the candidates”

which is precisely what Capriles’ Comando Simón Bolívar argued had to be compared and wanted to do.

In this video you can see the former Head of the CNE arguing the same line when the opposition candidates agreed to destroy the notebooks after the vote, in which Capriles almost doubled the next candidate:

Everything said by Lucena was manipulated. She said nothing about the duplicity of fingerprints test, for example. She said no proof of certain things happening, like witnesses being threatened, but videos were presented in which they are. She concentrated in the minor aspects of the request and not in the main argument of the request, the fingerprints and the notebooks. The main focus of the opposition in their request, double voting and usurping identities will not be able to be checked in this audit. She also lied saying this was contesting the election, this was not that, this was a legal request for an audit.

The duplicity of fingerprint file/test, was promised before the election, was requested after the election, was part of the audit request and Lucena said absolutely nothing about it tonight.

As I said the first day after the election, there will not be an audit/recount, because the fraud would be shown.

Who fears the truth?

Note: This is post 6,000, never thought this would take up so much of my life. Ironic what it is about.

66 Responses to “Electoral Board Says It Will Not Do A Complete Audit”

  1. Mitch Says:

    The shuffling of Ministers and plan after plan reminds me of the Final days of the Reich in Germany during WWII….All the plans, all the Cadenas, only appear a last desperate attempt to cover the truth and hold power. But rest assured, the truth about 14A will come out. Capriles se Gano…

  2. Kepler Says:


    First of all, enjoy what your heroes do:

    I am not understanding statistics? Qué bolas tienes!
    It’s you who doesn’t understand a thing. Of course voters’ preferences are unevenly distributed but that, you genius, does not mean “randomly”.
    I didn’t say I expected the preference to be similar there or in other places, I’m very aware of those differences and I know better than you how they play in statistics. It’s not even that I found peculiar that ALL of them would be voting for Maduro in a community of civilians anywhere with more than 300 voters (and here comes knowledge: I do think that is, based on experience and stories from there, highly improbable as there were lots of grievances and they have increased in the Yukpa region and several NGOs there trying to help could rather be associated with “los otros”, the oppo.). The thing is THIS:

    First of all: you don’t get an increase in the votes of Chavismo just in the centres without witnesses while there is a significant decrease everywhere ELSE and the most dramatic increases are in centres with suspiciously too many voters already! (on top of that: I don’t even see the votes of October as completely kosher: they were already “optimized”, even though Chavismo didn’t need to do it as badly as now) This happens even in very Chavista regions: a witness, one that manages to stay there and is not thrown out at gun-point, does increase votes for us dramatically.

    Secondly: you do not, you simply do NOT get someone who was voting for Capriles to vote now for Maduro, ever! And those people, over 65 opositores in one centre, disappeared from the face of the Earth. But voters didn’t change from voting centre, that was not possible (although in fact, there were several thousand illegal additions the CNE cannot explain…guess for whom they would vote).

    We were already working with unreliable numbers in October, so we are trying to do calculations based on more or less tampered results, which is not easy. And that is why the government is so vehemently against a verification as the former CNE president and now Libertador mayor was so keen to do last year, as shown here.

    I mentioned here repeatedly the Doppelgänger we found by a trivial verification: full numbers (4 tokens in the name string, or 5 doing a full match)
    with the same birth date is, statistically speaking, almost impossible when the surnames in those names are not even in the top 100 most frequent surnames and they do not have a representation of more than 0,001% of the total pool.
    You could have a couple of “José Rodríguez” (no second surname, no “middle” name) born on the same day, but not
    2 people like “TATIANA PATRICIA MATTOS VILLANUEVA” born the same day. That is completely impossible. Well: there were over 60000 of those cases, virtually all those cases where of people voting very close to each other and a huge amount of them with IDs that differ in a regular form (1+, 10+, 100+).
    What does the CNE do? It starts “correcting” said numbers putting different names and does not explain how these “corrected” people came to existence.

    This is proof there was tampering with the CNE records.
    Our leaders decided to go for this “because those duplicates didn’t make more than 0.2% of the votes”, better something than nothing.

    A professor specialist in demography who worked for decades for the ONIDEX confirmed my fears: this is just the tip of the iceberg. If they added more people even with the same name but just changed the birth date, it would be impossible to detect them doing our data mining.

    I also discovered a very improbable distribution of births. Now, before the NY statistical master comes to tell me birth frequency changes enormously because of seasonal parameters, let me tell you this: the case in Venezuela is different. I wrote about that before. We got a huge “hump” in October between 1970 and 1975, with births rising to 20% for October alone during those times at national level whereas that never, ever happened before or afterwards. This does not have anything to do with the baby boom we also had there. We don’t have an explanation of these numbers. The numbers also don’t make sense with the data we got from the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas…either one faked numbers or the other or both.

    No real complete auditing was done – unless you call auditing the silly tests by guys who are mostly in the human sciences and who do not understand a computer – and a voting machine is a computer with all the implications- is a fucking black box you can test as much as you want.

    Not for nothing Esdata – guys with a completely different profile – did not want to certify this thing, they knew, like I do, that we need a real auditing, there was already proof enough of tampering.

    I was a witness in the 2003 Firmazo thing in a poor sector of Tocuyito and I know how scary it can get, we even had a car persecution gringo-style when we were getting out with the signatures, we were almost shot at and only escaped because we had planned beforehand with some others to have several cars on a crossroads in front, something the gunmen from Chavismo didn’t expect.

    It’s a waste of time. Go praise Mélenchon and the other “alternative candidates to wild capitalism” all over the world.

  3. Ernesto Says:

    Como a mi Generacion le gusta decir, son los cuadernos o son los cuadernos


  4. JotaE Says:

    Thanks so much for all the hard work! It does make a difference. Yours is a labor of love.

    And apio verde to you!

  5. Mercedes Atencio Says:

    Congratulations Miguel. It takes a lot to write 6000 posts and not get discouraged .Thank you so much for keeping us informed. And Happy Birthday!!!!!

  6. Mick Says:

    They are caught in their own net of lies, and the more they squirm the more they get tangled up. Just hope Caprilles can keep the pressure on them.

    On a side note, is Tim Tracy a CIA spook, a filmaker creating his own story by rabble rousing, or just an honest patsy in the wrong place at the wrong time taken hostage by desperate criminals?

    • moctavio Says:

      That’s the amazing things, pro-Chavez people don’t seem to think the whole thing is so cynical, notebooks were important, as long as they needed them. Now, they are not.

      Think about it, 3,000 one table centers with no audtis, 40 “extra” votes each…

      Show me the notebooks!!!

  7. ChrisM Says:

    Congratulations! This has been a lifeline to maintaining an understand of the situatioin in Venezuela since laving in ’97. People have been talking for over a decade now about “exposing” the Chavistas. They’re exposed. They’ve been exposed. But nothing will be done about it. The time for action was before Chavez got his foothold in the military and dissolved the governmental bodies protecting Venezuela’s democracy. Even if Capriles could be proven the winner does anyone really think they would give up power?

    • TV Says:

      Most likely the answer is no. That’s not the point, the point is in weakening the regime, making it illegitimate. A regime that has the support of more than half a population behind them is much more vulnerable than one relying on military power, as is increasingly the case in Venezuela. The first one may go on forever (in theory), the second one is always on the verge of collapse. See Syria. Not a good scenario, but I imagine a foreign intervention by Cuba would be quickly mirrored by US and others, destroying the regime. They know this.

      • ChrisM Says:

        Hmmm. Good point. I guess considering how weak Maduro is, continuous pressure might not make them leave peacefully, but might cause….a war within their own party. The only thing I know is, even if Maduro said “Oh gosh….I’ve really messed this up, I think I’ll go home”….Chavistas will not leave peacefully. But simply having them collapse under the weight of their own greed might still give rise to something better (or worse!).

  8. Carolina Says:

    First of all, congratulations on reaching one more milestone! Thanks for all your work Diablo.

    Also, regarding all this back and forth, I just read this post and I thought it was quite well detailed and written:


    In any case, all I really feel is that the more the meanwhile-government speaks, the more they sink. “El que no la teme no la debe” is a very old say, and everybody knows what’s about, chavistas and non chavistas.

  9. M Rubio Says:

    If the government has manipulated the election results in the manner it appears, then will there ever be an honest election in Venezuela? I can’t see how. “The Revolution” is just too important for the Venezuelan people to let pesky things like elections interfere with progress.

    I’ve long said that I couldn’t see this government just handing over the keys to the country to a non-Chavista. Appears I was right.

  10. Tibisay Lucena lied so much during the speech that she said that Universidad Central de Venezuela would help with the audits, to try to give them credibility, something which was denied immediately by the Rectora of that University.

    And they still have not provided or said anything about the duplicity of fingerprints tests and records.This is not even part of the audits, this was supposed to be one of the items that would be released in order to insure the “transparency and veracity” of the election.

  11. Carlos Says:

    Congratulations for your 6K posts!!! I have now 6000 reasons more to praise you first, as a good equities analyst and chartist, and a now as a citizen.

  12. firepigette Says:


    You need to find new ways of determining the truth of this situation.You come at it , as a true believer would, biased towards your prejudice.

    This government has been in power too many years not to expect skullduggery.Also I think you are a victim of the following temptation:

    Most of us automatically fall into the cultural assumption that in any conflict, one side is partly right one way, and the other is partly right the other, and that we can form opinions about which side is mostly right or wrong. Because of our exposure to the “legal argument” norms, when any dispute arises, we automatically think that the truth will lie somewhere between two extremes. In this case, application of a little mathematical logic to the problem of the legal argument might be helpful.

    Let us assume that in a dispute, one side is innocent, honest, and tells the truth. It is obvious that lying does an innocent person no good; what lie can he tell? If he is innocent, the only lie he can tell is to falsely confess “I did it.” But lying is nothing but good for the liar. He can declare that “I didn’t do it,” and accuse another of doing it, all the while the innocent person he has accused is saying “I didn’t do it,” and is actually telling the truth.

    Remember 4 % of the population is psychopathic and lie as easily as they breathe.These people have taken over Venezuelan governance.

    Stop trying to look for the side where they are right, because you will end up defending a lie, which is leading to Venezuela’s demise.

  13. Sam Says:

    Logic says exactly the opposite. If there are no inconsistencies, it will be Capriles who looks bad, thus it would be in the interest of the Government and Maduro to make him look bad. Thus, not making the recount as the law says to me shows clearly there was fraud.

    This happened in Mexico with Lopez Obrador. The first recount showed nothing, but he made so much noise that he came in way back the second time around.

  14. O.W. Says:

    All this sounds to me like the Capriles campaign is now acknowledging that they were BSing in the days following the election. Remember how they claimed they got more votes than Maduro and a recount would show that? Well, they were given the recount they wanted and now they change the demands.
    So it looks like more human beings walked into voting stations, voted for Maduro, and got purple ink on their fingers than did the same for Capriles. That is what decides elections and it looks like this one is completely over.
    Now we will see what Maduro does in terms of governing.
    BTW, congrats on the blog. I bet the time dedicated to this literally adds up to years.

    • moctavio Says:

      OW believe me, there is no BS, if there was, why no recount/audit? Tgeir numbers show sligth edge Capriles, same as first say, the largest error they had was 0.33% in a Governor race in December, no way it is 1.4% in this one

    • extorres Says:

      O.W. Capriles has not been given the recount he wanted; he’s being given the recount that prevents proving that persons were voting multiple times, or that dead people were voting, among other things. You’re always twisting things, pretending to do the thinking for us, but really you’re just trying to blind us into thinking in the wrong direction. Just give it up; we know your tricks.

      • O.W. Says:

        If someone votes for a dead person (assuming that happened) what would that change? They can only vote once, so if they vote under someone else’s name and get away with it then they couldn’t vote under their own name. The ink solves that.

        • extorres Says:

          O.W., witnessed in many centers, even by international “acompañantes”, the fingerprint machines allowed access to the voting machine to incorrect, as well as to repeat fingerprints, so the “one person, one vote” presumption is false.

          A dead person voting would prove that the votes could be fraudulent, especially if this ocurrs in non random distribution.

          Where there are no witnesses, there is no assurance that ink was used, so the ink solves nothing.

    • Kepler Says:

      PISS OFF, Ow. After so many years you haven’t learnt anything.
      Could you please stick to blogs on how to install “socialism” in New York?

      These are just some of the dozen 100% pro Maduro places (with more than 100 voters and where even Chávez couldn’t make it)

      And there are hundreds of other irregularities.
      Didn’t you see the fucking chavista going to vote with the girl?
      That happened time after time.
      And the people brandishing guns in front of oppo voters?
      My whole relatives, who are not living in posh areas of Eastern Caracas,
      saw that kind of thing.

      Try to install Chavismo in NY.

      • extorres Says:

        Instead of telling OW to install socialism in NY, we should point out that if it can only be installed with this kind of treachery, then it should not be installed at all, anywhere. O.W., stop being so dishonest.

      • NorskeDiv Says:

        Chavismo would be hard to do without a huge oil checkbook.

      • jc Says:

        Got a better example? Capriles only got 10% in that voting center: http://www.cne.gob.ve/resultado_presidencial_2012/pp/2/reg_210803003.html

        • Kepler Says:

          It depends on what you call “better”.
          I am aware he only got 10%. I posted about this in my blog.
          Only is still over 20 people.
          There is a general pattern: although almost everywhere where we had witnesses Capriles got more votes this time, he got less in those places where we, for one reason or the other, didnt have witnesses.
          Then you have the incredible thing: over 600 people and no one voted for Capriles when at least 10% did a few months ago. That is impossible.

          The location of those centres is pretty much clear: Apure, Zulia, Delta, Bolívar, but also Trujillo (Boconó), Southern Valencia.

          “Optimizing” 10% at least in far away places, less in places more central but still where our witnesses were expelled is enough to make up a national difference of a couple of percentages.

      • O.W. Says:


        Fraud!!!!!!! Kepler. Fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Seriously, too bad you are letting your emotions overcome your rationality and analytical skills.

        • Getashrink Says:

          You are the one displaying very weak analytical skills, since your supposed counter-example is pretty bad. Capriles got nearly 100% last time around also, when a heck of a lot more people voted in New Orleans (looking at CNE’s data, I suppose this time much fewer did so, because of the travel issues, and people were less motivated), so the results from both elections is not inconsistent.

          It’s not so much the fact that Maduro got 100% of the votes in the center Kepler showed, but the fact that Maduro got 132 more votes than Chavez!

          It’s hard to imagine someone saying: “Ok, I didn’t vote for Chavez in 2012, but I like Maduro much better, so I’ll vote for him”.

          • O.W. Says:

            That has been debunked before – the issue of Maduro getting more than Chavez. Remember the CNE only posted the results of last October’s vote as of when they called the election and that is what accounts for the difference. That is stupidity on the part of the CNE but it does account for it.
            And even if it didn’t, that still wouldn’t show much. Maduro could get more votes somewhere just because there was a a more thorough get out the vote effort in that particular area, or new people moved in because of a new housing development being built, etc.
            So I don’t think we are seeing anything meaningful here.

            • Getashrink Says:

              The only problem with your so called “debunking” is that it is completely false. You say: “CNE only posted the results of last October’s vote as of when they called the election and that is what accounts for the difference”. So, you are implying that they had only partial results for those tables at the moment they gave their first “boletin”, but anyone who has been a member at an electoral table can tell you that that is pure bullshit. You don’t send partial results to CNE. Why would you? You have a machine doing the counting automatically for you at the end of the process. When the table closes, you print the results, and then you take the memory stick from the machine and send the FULL results to CNE.

              As for your other explanations:

              “And even if it didn’t, that still wouldn’t show much. Maduro could get more votes somewhere just because there was a a more thorough get out the vote effort in that particular area”

              A get out vote that made a very large fraction of the 68 people who voted for Capriles in 2012 in that center flip to Maduro? Do you really buy that? Because now Capriles got ZERO at that center. He lost all those 68 votes, an participation at that center was very high this time (96%). It would be already strange for someone to flip from Capriles to Chavez in such a short period of time, but so many going from Capriles to Maduro is just absurd.

              “or new people moved in because of a new housing development being built, etc.”

              Now you are bull-shiting big time! They used in these elections the same electoral registry used in 2012. They didn’t allow new people to register (which prevents also changing the location where you vote), so the people registered to vote in that center are the same ones that were registered there back in 2012. Not one person more, not one person less.

            • Kepler Says:



              Do you know what background information is?
              I haven’t been to that place, quite honestly, even if I have travelled a bit through Zulia. But I know a thing or two of that area. Let me see: I read some stories from a Venezuelan friend who visited the place several times for his work (an old Catholic priest working for the native Americans, so he was probably highly biased according to you). I have also followed the news about the native American-ganaderos fights, the Sandino issue in Yukpa territory there (sources ranging from aporrea to El Universal to NGO’s reports). Do you think your background about that area of Zulia is any better than mine?

              Recently you asked me whether II believed “the BS” published in a US site and referred to here, something about those who stilled believed in Chavismo and the decay of the place, etc.

              And I told you: that place is close to Valencia, my city. Some of my relatives live very close to where those persons interviewed there live (as I said, most of my relatives live in territory that even today were rather Maduristas, even if the whole region is about to turn oppo, in spite of all the threats and the Cubans and Colombians voting for us).

              I have passed through that place a thousand times, since before you knew where Venezuela was, since before you had been to college.

              I took this picture (Güigüe)
              after I took the road from Valencia through that place for the 1000th time in my life.

              I am Venezuelan.

              Please, comment about the US.

              I think I have been to your country as much as you have been to Venezuela, sometimes as a tourist, a couple of times for work. I have gone there since I was a child, in the seventies. I have friends there in several places, from California to New York and they are a very varied lot. I try to learn a little bit about the US, its history, the economy.

              I have strong opinions – some may say very opinionated- about US media and US foreign policies. Still, I wouldn’t dare to give the kind of statements about the USA you seem to give about other countries.

              It’s a matter of background. You have the background to tell us a bit about Massachusetts or New Jersey, not Zulia or Carabobo.

        • Kepler Says:

          Too bad you are so childish. New Orleans. You know the circumstances in which those there voted. They were highly selected by Chávez…by him screwing them up as they were usually voting in Florida.

          I could have used Havana to prove the other point but I didn’t because we all (perhaps not you) know Venezuelans going to Cuba have very special reasons as well.

          I am talking about a place in Venezuela with over 100 people, not a military institute or so. Even so: it’s a place where several dozens used to vote for the opposition…and they simply DISAPPEARED. That didn’t happen in places where we had witnesses all the time.


          In case 1) in my blog you see over 600 people voting all for Maduro…and over 65 who voted for Capriles in 2012 didn’t show up. what’s happening there?

          In case 2) you see the same thing, but there were even many more voters for Maduro this time than for Chávez.

          Ow, what happened to those who voted for Capriles in October?

          Anyway, there are the other cases, which someone here mentioned are more important and they are those who voted but should NOT have voted.

          My family knows one of those Cubans who arrived just 2 years ago and voted in Guacara. In many other places there were such cases. They even had the gall to take a bus full of them to a voting centre close to Miranda but the people there – rather oppo – revolved and refused to let them come in.

          So, Ow, why cant we check out the registries as former CNE president Rodríguez wanted to check out the registries last year?

          Venezuela is not the USA, so don’t come over with “they didn’t do it with Bush”.

          • O.W. Says:

            Sorry Kepler. this has nothing to do with knowing Venezuela. It is that you simply don’t understand statistics. This isn’t like flipping a coin, where having 100 heads and 0 tails would indeed be virtually impossible. There is not an even distribution of voter preferences. Voting preferences are highly unevenly distributed and highly segregated. That is why the voters abroad are highly anti-chavez, the Venezuelans who live abroad are upper income and upper income venezuelans are against Maduro so it is no surprise that it is so skewed. The same can be found in rich areas throughout Venezuela.
            Poor areas will be the reverse.
            So what exactly is the surprise? There isn’t any. That is why Romney never screamed fraud after the US election even though in part of Philadelphia Obama got 19,000 votes to Romney’s ZERO. I guess Romney’s people understand why these statistics aren’t just like flipping a coin.
            And people changing votes is a surprise and/or problem?!?!?! Well, if people can’t change their votes I guess there isn’t much point to elections. More likely, you are only upset because in this one location some people changed votes against what you want.

            • moctavio Says:

              OW: There are 3,000 polling stations with only one table, no audits in them. Mostly pro-Chavez areas with no oppo witnesses.

              There are over 100 polling places where Maduro got more votes than Chavez and the oppo went from 10% to almost zero

              There are dozens of places where in the same polling station, in one table Capriles wins, in the next one Maduro wins, that had not happened before.

              Again, why not allow the notebooks? They are part of the law Who has something to hide?

              And it does have something to do with knowing Venezuela. I think that you mean well, but I also think you have not seen the corruption and the lack of ethics upfront like i have. I have seen the billionaires thanks to Chavismo with their G200 (I dont even know the acronym for their planes), I have been threatened by the same people, sued now that I live in the States, I have seen how people’s rights are trampled over, I have seen how people ask for bribes to have problems go away. I have seen companies pilfered by Chavista officials. In the end, all these electoral things are minor in the scale of what is going on. They are subtle white collar/legal crime by small fish, compared to the billion dollar scams that have taken place over the years.

              Just one hint, look at the Globovision purchase. Try to understand it. Research it. I dont dare write about what I know.

  15. Rene Says:

    Thanks for all your hard work Miguel! You have been and will be a mandatory reference to understand this crazy country of ours.

  16. firepigette Says:

    Congrats on having made so many posts! A huge labor of love.

  17. m_astera Says:

    We can see what the Castro (via Trotsky) plan is by looking at Cuba since Fidel took over and even before: Promise the people freedom and abundance while telling them all their problems are caused by the rich oligarchs. Once in power, fill every position of power in government with a loyal sycophant. Drive out, jail, or kill the wealthy and the intelligentsia. Destroy the middle class by collapsing the economy and make earning a middle class income impossible or illegal. Make every person dependent on government: Government tells you where you live, work, and go to school, along with what you eat, who your doctor is, what medicines you will take. Cradle to grave. The government owns all means of production and owns or controls all commercial entities. It is a collective, a hive, with the people subservient to the State in all cases.

    Easy enough to see that was the plan Hugo followed for the past decade and a half, under Fidel’s tutelage. A collapsing economy and infrastructure is a perceived good for the revolution.

    The question is, how far can that be taken in Venezuela, where half the population doesn’t have a “real job”? Where the very breath of life is making deals, independently, one on one?

    I’m imagining Maduro ordering the police to drive all of the buhoneros off the street. Or better yet, arrest them and send them to a communal farm. LOL.

    Venezuelans supported Chavez out of personal interest. There was something in it for them. They are not going to go along when there is no longer personal gain to be had or at least hoped for. Maduro and the Cubans do not have the strength or support to enforce their fake revolution if push comes to shove.

    • Wanley Says:

      Chavista es chavista hasta que le tocan el bolsillo. Revolutionay is revolutionary until his pocket is affected.

    • deananash Says:

      m_astera you were brilliant right up to the last line. They don’t need strength, they have guns and aren’t afraid to kill. Sometimes you just have to throw away the rule book and fight fire with fire.

      • m_astera Says:

        What I meant was the Cubans and their puppets don’t have the numbers or the firepower to enforce their rule when a growing majority are against them. How many SKS’s did Hugo hand out to his supporters? They are still there, I’m sure, and I doubt they are under Cuban control.

  18. Bruni Says:

    Nobody told you in 1998 that you were going to become a historian…


  19. island canuck Says:

    Here’s something else that’s extremely interesting.

    The “Ley Orgánica de Procesos Electorales” is very clear in what constitutes an audit.

    “Artículo 156. La auditoría es la verificación de todos aquellos recursos materiales, tecnológicos y datos utilizados en la ejecución de las distintas fases del proceso electoral, para que éstos garanticen la transparencia y confiabilidad de dicho proceso. Las auditorías podrán aplicarse al conjunto o algunas de las fases del proceso electoral.”

    “Artículo 159. El proceso de auditoría posee dos fases: La auditoría electoral y la verificación ciudadana.”

    “Artículo 160. La auditoría electoral garantizará la auditabilidad del sistema electoral automatizado y comprenderá la certificación de los procesos del sistema electoral automatizado en cada una de sus fases.”

    There’s more. It appears that this was intended for the audit at the close of voting however it clearly states what an audit consists of.
    Tibi has been caught with her pants down on this one.

    • moctavio Says:

      Two posts ago, I have been hammering at that on those that suggest that the CNE does not need to include notebooks in the audit. Under the chapter of what nullifies the election, there is a whole detailed list of inconsistencies that only an audit can show and that includes the notebooks. If you can not audit them, how can you prove anything to satisfy the law?

  20. concerned Says:

    From Gustavo Coronel:

    “USA tiene 850 Generales y Almirantes., uno por cada 350.000 habitantes

    Venezuela tiene aproximadamente 760 Generales y Almirantes. El número exacto es un secreto bien guardado. Eso da aproximadamente uno por cada 40.000 habitantes”

    Helps explain why a strategically promoted and well paid military supports these criminals.

  21. island canuck Says:

    Very interesting story & interview in El Universal with Alfredo Weil, director of Esdata.

    He says his numbers indicate that Capriles won the election 52% to 48%.


  22. concerned Says:

    Reported by yahoo:

    “Los presidentes de Cuba, Raúl Castro, y de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reforzaron este sábado en La Habana la “alianza estratégica” creada hace 12 años por sus predecesores, Fidel Castro y el fallecido Hugo Chávez, al suscribir 51 proyectos de colaboración por casi 1.000 millones de dólares.”

    This is just a fraction of the economic aid to cuba that has, and will continue to leave the country, in exchange for cuban intel and security for this regime.

    “Estuvimos cinco horas con Fidel conversando, recordando al comandante Chávez, recordando que ellos dos constituyeron esta relación (entre Cuba y Venezuela) que va más allá de una alianza estratégica. Es una relación de hermanos, una familia Latinoamérica y el Caribe”, dijo Maduro a la prensa.”

    What is it about maduro and his 5 hour conversations with the dead?

  23. Raymond Says:

    CNE / Maduro / PSUV are scared of this audit process because the proof of fraud will not only demonstrate they cheated, but also demonstrate the illegitimacy of Chavez during all these years as result of the system designed and implemented by Jorge Rodriguez!

  24. syd Says:

    Congratulations, Miguel. It’s unfortunate that dirty politics makes us spend more time than we’d like, on trying to figure it all out. Thank you for helping out in this regard, especially in the financial arena.

  25. concerned Says:

    When you have video of people showing up to stations with handfulls of cedulas, and buses full of cubans (watched it live feed on election day) that were turned away at the station by the people outside, you know that:

    1. Fingerprint scanners are selective and only screen the honest voter, with a programmed glitch to allow abuse. I know most have seen the phone video of the person continously voting when the coast was clear back in October, activating the system with her same print each time. I am not sure why this is a surprise now or that the system will allow it.
    2. If one person can walk into a station with a stack of cedulas and vote for other people, the system is intentionally flawed. This was not a random violation but an orchestrated plan, with certain “controlled” stations targeted.
    3. Cubans were bused around to carry out the mercenary dirty work because they can be trusted with secrecy, just like the government security and medical teams. Only in a few locations were they blocked entry.

    These were carried out while trying to win the vote in the stations. After 6 p.m., is when the remote vote had to be activated when chavismo was losing in the field.

    And then in the end, the final violation would just come down to the cne reporting the totals they were given by their cuban masters, knowing that there would not be any military policing of the decision or audit allowed. If tibesay would say “irreversible” three times like the wizard of oz, no one would question her authority or decision. I have used many times the example of the 2007 reform vote when tibesay was told to report the yes victory, and baduel and the military forced her to report the “real” no vote. Tibesay was physically threatened, chavez sedated, and baduel later arrested and jailed. Chavez tried again with a second illegal vote that mysteriously won approval allowing indefinate re-election.

    All indicators of the “most perfect system in the world”, as long as you control the system.

    Tibesay’s location should be tracked and her life made a living hell so that wherever in the world she may be, she will not be able to enjoy spending her payoff. When and if the corrupt chavistas are booted out of the judiciary system, she can then be extradited back to be held accountable.

  26. island canuck Says:

    Congratulations on #6,000 Miguel.

    Keep them coming.

  27. Ulijiflyer Says:

    Congratulations on your 6000th post! I think I have read each one. You, Daniel Duquenal and Caracas Chronicles have helped us keep our sanity as we watch our beloved country slide into the abyss.

  28. Kepler Says:

    Today I woke up and smiled: there were 3257 Chavistas less than yesterday.
    Every 26 seconds a Chavista disappears. I know, it’s not fast enough. On the other hand: actually, the rate might be faster and some of those voting for Chávez – several thousands of them – are Cubans who arrived in Venezuela only one, two years ago.

  29. TV Says:

    This basically proves it, there was a fraud with people voting multiple times. There is no other reasonable explanation for it.

    I imagine that Venezuelan debt will suddenly become much, much more expensive.

  30. 6000 and counting…….

  31. PM Says:

    Absolutely outrageous. This feels like the inhabilitación of Leopoldo where TSJ and CNE played ping pong until no one took the blame for it. I can already see Luisa Estela dismissing the impugnación as there’s no evidence (and, of course, it’s impossible to collect evidence as all cne allows you to do is check papeleta – acta consistency).

    Whether their strategy is attrition or straight up covering of fraud, this proves one more time the law means nothing in Venezuela. At least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. They’re not going to be able to stay in power for long. Refusing Capriles a serious auditoría will only cast more doubt on the legitimacy of the election and will ultimately be worse for them in the future.

  32. The Cat Says:

    Well, I don’t know whether to congratulate you on your 6,000th post, or send you condolences :-). Either way, it’s certainly no big surprise in the announcement. So, what’s next?

  33. gordo Says:

    The CNE cheated. A recount will expose them. They have no choice. Now it’s only about retaining power, obfuscation of the truth, a propaganda campaign to attack the opposition with lies and accusations, and there is no turning back. They have no hope of gaining legitimacy peacefully. Their power can only be maintained through repression, intolerance, thuggery, and brute violence.

    In the meantime, the country is bankrupt and there is no solution for that. The government is putting programs in place that are too little too late and completely inadequate, like setting up special tourist currency exchange stations controlled by the government and foreign currency accounts in banks. GOOD LUCK!

    They finally opened dialog with farmers to increase domestic food production, as though crops don’t need a growing season to yield a result.. and anyway they need money for seed and fertilizer which the government doesn’t have.

    Repression of citizens takes money too. In fact, domestic production depends a whole lot on the very citizens they are targeting. No wonder Maduro has gone to Cuba. He is in a trap that the Cubans probably designed.

    • gordo Says:

      Dear loyalists of the Bolivarian Revolution,
      You’ve had your chance. Now go home and let us take over.

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