Oh my, Chavez’s (or is it Esteban’s?) skin is getting really thin

January 29, 2010

Today Tal Cual published it’s usual Friday “Serious Humor” column by Laureano Marquez, which was entitled “Venezuela Sin Esteban. Tonight the Ministry of Information and Communication announced that it would ask the Prosecutor to open an investigation and sanction the newspaper for the Editorial.

In a clear sign that Chavez and his cronies are really getting edgy and thin skinned. The Ministry said that:

“The newspaper committed a flagrant violation of the Constitution and the laws, publishing a text which is and aggression and a disrespect to Venezuela’s democracy”

“The text is a flagrant invitation to not recognize Constitutional order and an an attempt to incite violence as a way to get rid of the Government by means different than elections…it is an invitation to a coup plan, genocide and terrorist, which is masked with the use of humor. Nevertheless it was published in the front page of this newspaper, in a place devoted to Editorials. All of this is added to the permanent criminalization that the coupster media executes against the security agencies of the State, as a strategy to incite violence and incite war”

Over the years I have translated many articles, but I simply find it next to impossible to translate this one (If anyone tries I will publish it). Thus, for those that speak Spanish I have placed it here, not only for your enjoyment, but also because I am sure that at some point the Prosecutor’s office or the corresponding Judge will order Tal Cual to remove the article from it’s web page.

12 Responses to “Oh my, Chavez’s (or is it Esteban’s?) skin is getting really thin”

  1. Becky Muggah Says:

    Currently traveling between Miami and Florida, reading this on my Blackberry. Will read it in full when I get back, and I will also post a backlink on my website. Thanks.

  2. moctavio Says:

    StJacques: Thank you for telling our story, very nice post. I do hope Chavez stays till 2012 to make sure the economic destruction he has caused is forever associated with him and he never comes back.

  3. StJacques Says:

    I have linked this post, along with a general link and commentary on the usefulness of this very fine blog for tracking current events in Venezuela, from an entry I posted at StJacques Online this evening.


    I don’t get to come around very often, but I do try to keep track of the very fine work you do here Miguel.


  4. Ana Says:

    “Le pinta una del tamaño de una colina”, i guess is “fliiping the bird to him”, but the idea of the size is harder…

  5. marc in calgary Says:

    Davo, the free speech provision that was noted as the basis of this SCOTUS / Supreme Court decision is based on the notion of free speech always being better, than any alternative to free speech.
    Sure, most of us do not like hearing some giant company or union running an unrestricted campaign for or against some “cause of the day”, but the alternate is having a government decide what we should or shouldn’t have the right to see or hear, and that’s at least as repugnant. 🙂
    I can’t imagine Hugo running a national campaign to influence the US vote, but bring it on… Do you think he would go for advertising on the most watched News Network… ? hahaha. Hugo campaigning on FoxNews. I can see it now!!

  6. Davo Says:

    While we’re at it, I’m sure you’ve all heard about the recent US Supreme Court ruling- the one that allows corporations (and churches, unions, and anyone else with money to spend) to run unrestricted campaigns for/against political candidates. Let’s just say they don’t know what they’ve let themselves in for: that Chavez will think this is his way into influencing US voters, now that he can use any corporate entity he nominates to do so!

  7. jiec Says:

    Nevermind the fact that Laureano’s hypothetical demise of Esteban was based on taking the AN by democratic means, and building on the AN’s soap box…he and his cronies keep saying it…if we lose the AN, there’ll be a war

  8. […] Deanna took a stab at translating Laureano Marquez’ article in Tal Cual (see previous post), not bad. Thanks! For those that don’t speak Spanish, here it […]

  9. moctavio Says:

    Bring it on!!!

  10. Deanna Says:

    I did a quick translation which I’ll send to your e-mail.

  11. moctavio Says:

    Mejor, mientras mas sitios mejor que todo el mundo lo lea!!!!

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