Venezuela without Esteban by Laureano Marquez in Tal Cual

January 29, 2010

Reader Deanna took a stab at translating Laureano Marquez’ article in Tal Cual which is here in Spanish (see previous post), not bad at all!. Thanks! For those that don’t speak Spanish, here it is:

Venezuela without Esteban by Laureano Marquez in Tal Cual

A Venezuela without Esteban is difficult to imagine, but all the scientists agree in pointing out that the day when the President will leave the government is nearer everyday and they have made a documentary for the History Channel which will relate how Venezuela will be when the Head of State is no longer…

…FIRST DAY WITHOUT ESTEBAN: People can’t really believe it and they begin to live in a state of confusión.  Pro-former government armed groups destroy all that’s left of the country (which fortunately was very Little)…

Some who are already completely crazy continue applauding in Miraflores  and screaming UH AH…Martha Colomina and Miguel Angel Rodriguez take the plaza Bolivar with a group of motorcyclists and surround Lina Ron…Venevision declares itself furiously anti-Chavez.

…FIRST MONTH WITHOUT ESTEBAN: Some people have not reacted yet, thinking that he will return at any moment.  People stop buying dollars like crazy.  Most of the militant members of PSUV say that they never imagined that the government did all those atrocities that were beginning to be uncovered and that they didn’t know…Humanitarian aid arrives in the country…

…SIX MONTHS WITHOUT ESTEBAN: …Nicaragua and Cuba claim their monthly allowances before the Court of The Have.  The first investors arrive in the country.  The Chavista deputies begin to notice that the laws they had approved are really antidemocratic because now they are being applied to them, and they contribute in the effort to change them.  All the political prisoners who had been judged arbitrarily or detained without trial are now free.  Esteban continues living in Cuba with the excuse that without him “in Venezuela no one lives” and tries singing in the Tropicana.

…TEN YEARS WITHOUT ESTEBAN:…The first signs of economic reactivation begin to appear.  There are now foreign investors with more confidence.  Venezuela’s international image begins to improve and after two periods of political alternability without trouble, the people begin to believe in the solidity of democracy.  Venezuelans who left the country during  the government of Esteban begin to return “en masse” attracted by this good international image and by the reform of social security which guarantees a decent health system for all citizens.  Sugar can again be found in the supermarkets.

…TWENTY YEARS WITHOUT ESTEBAN:…Fidel Castro dies officially and Raul asks Esteban to leave Cuba.  Esteban returns to the country.  Jose Vicente Rangel denounces in his Sunday program the corruption of his government and gives the names of those who bécame rich except one.  The ex-president goes for an audition in Venevision to lead Sabado Sensacional, which to this day is still without a Master of Ceremonies, but the channel portrays him negatively (¿)(le pinta una del tamaño de la colina) and denounces the atrocities of his government and the repugnant complicity of some people.  Esteban dedicates himself to the family estates in Barinas, in the middle of constant protests from his workers for better salaries and capitalist exploitation.

…ONE HUNDRED YEARS WITHOUT ESTEBAN:…The end of the Venezuelan 20th century and the beginning of the 21st is now only a bad memory.  The period is studied as an example of what should not be done with a country.  Many historians say that Venezuela entered the 21st century when Esteban lost his power.  People are surprised to see the videos of how he ruled the country, how he treated the citizens and his own ministers.  Many believe that it is a joke from the oldest comic show of Venezuelan television, Radio Rochela, which is again on the air in open telepathic signal.

The ex-president goes for an audition in Venevision to lead Sabado Sensacional, which to this day is still without a Master of Ceremonies, but the channel portrays him negatively (¿)(le pinta una del tamaño de la colina) and denounces the atrocities of his government and the repugnant complicity of some people.  Esteban dedicates himself to the family estates in Barinas, in the middle of constant protests from his workers for better salaries and capitalist exploitation.

21 Responses to “Venezuela without Esteban by Laureano Marquez in Tal Cual”

  1. Guillermo Rodríguez Says:

    La oligarquia que no quiere saber de Chavez, implora que regrese de Cuba.

  2. […] Estebanowi [imię, którego używa opozycja odnosząc się do prezydenta] należałaby się druga szansa?  Już ją dostał  i zmarnował, […]

  3. […] dividiendo el/al pais. Esta como el esposo q le pega a su pareja. Porque Esteban [o nome que os oposicionistas usam para se referir ao presidente] merece outra chance? Ele a teve e jogou no lixo ao dividir o país. Ele é como um […]

  4. […] el/al pais. Esta como el esposo q le pega a su pareja. Waarom zou Esteban [een naam waarmee de oppositie de president aanduidt] een tweede kans verdienen? Die heeft hij gehad en hij heeft het verknald […]

  5. Víctor Says:

    Jajaja.. “le pinta una del tamaño de la colina”.. qué risa.. funny funny… Michael is right.. the best version would be “The network gives him a finger as big as the Hill” Venevisión [the TV network] is known in Venezuela as “El canal de la colina” [The channel of the Hill] ’cause it’s located on the hillsides of the Ávila Mount.

  6. […] hold on power can be discerned from yet another instance of media censorship: In this article, written by Laureano Marquez on January 30th for the Tal Cual, a newspaper critical of Chavez, […]

  7. Bernardo Says:

    I’m sure some do. You should see Tarek’s Facebook profile, which I had the misfortune of having forwarded by some misguided communist poet adding every Venezuelan they could find.

    On that note, they’ve unfortunately discovered other means of communication which are making students’ lives difficult. Fortunately, their ability to use and sabotage these means has been very adeptly controlled by student leaders.

  8. Deanna Says:

    Isa, what do you expect of idiots who become ministers in a 4th world country (that is where Venezuela is now, along with Cuba, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua and all those other countries who want to go back to “the good old days” of the Soviet Union)? I don’t even know whether they have the ability to use Wikipedia.

  9. Isa Says:

    The new Minister of the Environment parroted Chavez today calling for a change of the name El Niño to be eliminated because it is a capitalist term. Well, the term was invented by Peruvian fish anchovy fishermen to refer to the years that there were no anchovies because waters were warm around christmas time (thus the term). Ignorance is bliss with this Government.

  10. Lía Says:

    “le pinta una del tamaño de la Colina” could be translated as “flips him a La Hill-sized finger”. Pun is lost still, but at least I tried.

  11. Michel Says:

    Gives him a finger as big as a hill… What is lost, is that vendevisión is located at “la colina”, and that’s the untranslatable part…

  12. Fran Says:

    Se puede traducir “le pinta una del tamaño de la Colina” como “gives him the finger”.

  13. ErneX Says:

    They want to get Laureano / Tal Cual in trouble now because of this…

  14. Megaescualidus Says:

    No room for dissidence, just like any other dictatorship…

  15. NicaCat Says:

    This was just posted on Twitter a couple of minutes ago:

  16. jmanstretta Says:

    MINCI is taking actions against tal cual and Laureano due to the article, once again, showing that we in fact leave in a DICTADURA

  17. Kepler Says:

    Thanks, Miguel and Deanna.

  18. Alpha Says:

    Miguel and Deanna thanks for the article and the translation.

    I used the English translation also on my Dutch site.
    It was great done and saved me a translation in the Dutch language. The most Dutch can read and understand the English language.

  19. moctavio Says:

    Thanks, fixed!

  20. Floyd Looney Says:

    You double posted the last 2 paragraphs.

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